Another quick DIY Organic Lip Balm project which we wanted to share with you. This is such a simple recipe and can be made within 5 min for a fraction of the cost you would...
How to make organic lip balm
Another quick DIY Organic Lip Balm project which we wanted to share with you. This is such a simple recipe and can be made within 5 min for a fraction of the cost you would...
Let us show you how you can make a simple moisturising night cream using only 3 ingredients. This cream will prevent your skin from getting dry after go to bed. This will prevent dull /...
Now a days everything is loaded with so many chemicals. We hardly get anything that is pure and is loaded benefits without being heavy on the pocket. So, we thought that we should come up...
Watch our DIY video on how you can make your very own hair serum using aloe vera and Satthwa's premium hair oil to get a smooth and shiny look to your hair and also get...