Hair Colouring, how hazardous are they? - Part – Four (Final Part)

Hair colouring tips

Traces of the first use of hair colour dates way back to the early man. Archaeologist have found evidence that they used minerals, plants and insects to paint their bodies and hair. It was only in 1500BC when the first art of colouring hair was introduced by none other than the Egyptians, who would use Henna as a colouring agent. This practice is a trend even till this day , as the faith one has behind the abundance of its medicinal properties and aesthetics, Henna is a much beloved commodity.

Hair colouring throughout the ages had a very deep impact on one’s appearance and the aura it emitted, in 1st century B.C, Gaul’s dyed their hair red as a mark of high class and Rank. In the Dark Ages however, red hair was a sign of witchcraft, during this time the first reported natural-born redhead was documented in Scotland. Years later, Queen Elizabeth was solely responsible for changing the mindset of the negative impression red hair had and professed how her own Auburn hair was a reflection of her Royal Status, thus making well appreciated.

The fascination behind hair colouring will forever be a marvel amongst the fashionably conscious and its certain that it would not go out of style in the years to come.

Today, with our somewhat periodically humdrum lives, we all love a makeover to makes us feel positive and more confident about ourselves. We all love trying to do something different with our look especially our hair. Changing one’s hair colour not only adds to our confidence level but also brightens up our spirits as does define our overall sense of style. We also have wondered on the irreversible damage it might cause us when we read the warning labels on the box. Though they give us the obvious tell- tale signs of reactions or even when not to do it. But is it still recommended if you aren’t allergic to them? Is your hair really not getting damaged by it in the long run? Are there safer alternatives while choosing the right hair colour? Here’s all you need to know before you decide to go in for colouring, knowing these facts would help you make the right decision without an ounce of worry.

As it’s primarily made up of chemicals, it doesn’t necessarily mean they will all harm you. However, depending on your bodies resistance level, this all won’t always go as one would expect. Chemicals are known to cause quite unrelated problems such as infertility, which you’d never even think of associating it with a beauty product you were exposed to all your life. Advised for all pregnant woman never to colour their hair, as the foetus is vulnerable to chemicals, which leads to reproductive difficulties and more deadlier diseases in the long run. So, how does one choose what’s right for them given their current medical condition or lack thereof? So, it’s not all bad news for people who wish to colour their hair but are afraid to do so, the alternative options prove to be quite harmless and effective in achieving the look you desire.

Hair Colouring, Must knows!

1. Henna herbal dyes and vegetable dies are least toxic and are healthy for your hair and adds shine to your hair. They are safe as they do not contain ammonia, PPD (Paraphenylenediamine, the chemical known to cause allergic reactions) peroxide and heavy metals, pesticides or other chemicals.

2. Chose a colour enhancing product that’s ammonia free. Especially if you already have coloured hair, as they don’t further damage the hair that’s weakened from the previous dying session.

3. Always use conditioner every time you shampoo, and a hot oil massage once a week will help retain the moisture in your hair and keep it soft.

4. After you colour your hair, use lukewarm or cool water to rinse out your hair. Hot water can wash out the colour and also cause further damage to your hair.

5. Get a trim, every six weeks, as hair colouring dries out the tips and causes split ends.

6. Never exceed the time suggested for application of any hair dye, overworking the dye on your hair can cause severe damage.

And…. Just a little bit of TLC is all you need

Your Hair craves love just as much as you do. Over powering it with chemicals and treating it in a harsh manner would make your lovely locks very lifeless and depressed.

Gentlemen, never forget, a good head of hair always speaks in volumes for your confidence level and also in attracting members of the opposite sex. Never over gel or use too many hair styling products. Allow your hair to breathe, following a proper hair care regime would actually make your hair set the way you want, especially after a good haircut. If you must wear a cap, make sure it’s not for too long, if you start to sweat, remove it and don’t let your hair cuticles suffocate. Restrict yourself from wearing your cap/hat it for long periods of time as this cause your hair strands to weaken and break and always make sure to oil regularly.

Ladies, knowing how our hair is truly one of our most important feature, and let’s face it, the natural soft and healthy hair never went out of style, no matter how many new age hair trends might have hit the fashion street. Don’t be brutal, by dousing it with hair sprays, styling products, dyes and of course over styling it by straightening irons, hot curlers and excessive blow drying. If you use hair accessories, make sure the grip isn’t too tight as this would weaken the strands causing more hair fall than imagined. If you follow a disciplined hair care routine that brings out the best in your hair, you can truly be free from a strenuous and quite unnecessary hair styling ruts.

Your strands are made up of cells that contain Keratin they need to be nourished with minerals and vitamins to make your hair strong and healthy. Nourish your body with the right vitamins, adding enough proteins, Iron, Vitamin-A, C and E , Omega -3 and Biotins that would fortify you tremendously. Protect your hair from the harsh sun, with shampoos that contain SPF, drink lots of water and always be hydrated. Also, a very popular trend nowadays is using silk pillowcases, unlike cotton which sucks the away moisture from you skin and it can be quite harsh on your hair if you have a tendency to toss and turn a lot while sleeping, silk provides your strands a frictionless surface to glide on. Since Silk pillowcases have a smooth surface for your skin and hair, it is known to fight frizz and waking up with a nasty bedhead.

Knowing what, suits you best and makes you happy and the end of day is important. Find a routine that works best with your daily schedule and be dedicated to it. And always no matter what we do on the outside to keep our body protected and cared for, just a little inner happiness goes a long way in finding just the right balance one needs to tackle any of life’s little adversities we might face.

Happy Healing Ya’ll!!!

This guide will have 4 parts to it and we will be linking each part here.

Part 1 Myths Vs. Facts

Part 2 All you need to know about oiling

Part 3 How to shampoo

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