5 Ways to protect your hair from chlorine

protect your hair from chlorine

Summer is here lovely people! It is yet another reason for having pool parties and a whole day of swimming and floating in the water. However, chlorine in pools can impact your hair terribly. Here are some tips to protect your hair from chlorine.

Swimming pools contain chlorine to kill infection-causing bacteria, viruses, and germs. When your hair comes into contact with these bleaches, it can damage your skin and scalp. This leads to flaking and itching. Chlorine builds a layer on your body that takes away all the natural oil of your skin. In response to it, hair becomes rough and dry. It can strip off natural moisture. You will require a proper hair treatment to restore the oil.

If you follow these 5 ways to protect your hair from chlorine, it can minimize the absorption of chlorine into your hair. 

Ways to protect your hair from chlorine: 

1. Apply oil to your hair

Even if you are a daily swimmer, you can not manage to wet your hair with chlorine regularly. You can apply any oil like coconut oil, jojoba oil, etc before swimming and massage it properly. It can act as a protective layer that shields from chlorine. 

2. Take a quick shower

It is advised to take a shower before entering the pool to remove any dirt. But it is also helpful to shut out chlorine. Wet hair with oil soaks up less chlorine, lowering hair damage and breakage. 

3. Braid your hair

It is important to get rid of all tangles using a comb and tie them into a knot before you dip your hair wet. It will prevent unwelcomed tangles and lessens breakage.

4. Use a gentle shampoo 

Chemical residue builds up on your hair that can hamper healthy hair growth. Hence, wash your hair with sulfate and paraben-free shampoo to steer clear of unwanted remnants.

5. Nourish your hair

Chlorine water will make your hair rough and lifeless. After shampooing, apply a moisturizing conditioner and massage the tresses. 

These steps can protect your hair from chlorine so that you keep enjoying pool sessions.


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