4 tips for oily hair

oily hair care tips

Oily scalp and greasy looking hair is a problem for many people. The oily scalp may be due to a variety of reasons like hormonal imbalance, pollution, improper diet, etc. However, some people have a naturally oily scalp. Greasy hair is sometimes annoying as it can make you look sloppy, but the oily scalp isn’t something bad. The oil protects your hair strands from breakage and pollution. When it becomes excessive, it can be bad for your scalp causing dandruff and even hair loss.

Read below 4 hair care tips that will help you control your oily and greasy hair problem.

1. Use a natural shampoo

 Wash your hair every alternate day. Shampooing strips away oil from your scalp. While shampooing, make sure to let the shampoo sit for at least 2 minutes after lather. This helps the oil to penetrate. Rinse thoroughly. Use Satthwa argan oil shampoo. It is for all hair types and is 100% natural.

2. Use a natural conditioner

Never apply conditioner on the scalp of your hair. Always start from 2 inches after the scalp and till the ends. The ends of your hair need the moisture and not the scalp. Conditioner applied to the scalp can worsen the condition of an oily scalp. Try using a natural conditioner for your hair.

3. Apply pure oils

Oily hair also needs oil. If you use the correct oil for your oily scalp then it can reduce the quantity of sebum secretion from the glands. Try to apply pure oils such as essential oils on your scalp and hair. You can apply any carrier oil mixed with essential oils such as rosemary, lavender and tea tree essential oils. These essential oil help reduce dandruff and itchiness and soothes your scalp due to their antibacterial properties.

4. Stop over-brushing

Overly frequent combing distributes the skin oil along with the hair and it gets dirty much faster. Brushing hair 100 times a day is a myth. It doesn’t help the hair health and can do much harm by causing breakage. Therefore it is better to comb or brush your hair only when necessary. In this case, only a small amount of oil will be distributed along with the hair which will help it look shiny and not dirty.

You can also try some of the natural hair masks for soothing your scalp.  Try to avoid chemical treatments and use a heat protectant before styling your hair. To learn more about oily hair care tips watch the video below and share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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