4 Types of hair problems that say about your health

types of hair problems

That hair fall can be caused by several issues. But are you sure it is not a sign that something serious is going on? Let us know about types of hair problems that say a lot about your health. 

It is common to lose 50-100 strands of hair a day. But suddenly you start noticing clusters of hair in your shower. You go to a doctor and he tells you that this may be bigger than you thought. It can be a nutritional deficiency, thyroid, low iron levels, etc. This article will talk about several types of hair problems and what each one tells about your health. 

1. Premature Greying due to stress 

It is believed that premature greying is hereditary. It may run in your family. Having grey strands is a natural part of aging. And there is no shame in that. But if you discover premature white strands, then you should reconsider your routine. 

Doctors say that a special type of stress called oxidative stress plays a role in aging your strands. It leads to greying hair by damaging DNA and lowering the supply of pigment-making cells. 

2. Hairfall due to Anemia 

If you are suddenly witnessing a lot more hair in your comb or in your shower, this could be a sign of poor diet and health. Hair loss has so many reasons but iron deficiency is the most common one. It can affect both men and women but it is more prevalent in women. 

We all know that iron helps to produce haemoglobin, a protein in red blood cells. And when your body doesn't have enough iron levels, it can not produce haemoglobin. This protein carries oxygen to the cells for repair and growth, including hair. It’s time to take blood tests and find out your iron levels. Iron is abundant in food items like spinach, legumes, chicken liver, beans, etc. 

3. Dull strands due to Omega-3 and Omega-6 

Excessive heating and styling can make your locks look dull and damaged after one time. But this can speed up if you have low Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids in your body. They are renowned for powerful hair benefits such as moisturizing the scalp, boosting volume, reducing hair loss, and more. 

If Omega 3 and Omega 6 are absent from your diet, you can notice your tresses being fragile. Be sure to fill your diet with foods such as soybeans, corn, nuts, seeds, meat, eggs, poultry, and more. 

4. Hair thinning due to Thyroid 

People who have conditions such as thyroid can also experience falling hair and losing volume. Thyroid occurs when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormones or make too many hormones. Both the cases can affect your functioning, including hair growth. 

Thyroid disturbs certain hormones like T3 and T4 that considerably  impacts hair health. The strands start to fall out from the roots and may not be restored with new growth. This can make your hair go thin and weak. In this case, consult a doctor. 

How to cure different types of hair problems? 

Besides these, one can encounter other types of hair problems such as dandruff, fungal infection, yeast overgrowth, nutrient deficiency, etc. Here are a few ways to treat your hair health in general. 

1. Eat a balanced, healthy diet full of important hair friendly nutrients like iron, Vitamin C, Omega 3, Omega 6, copper, and more. 

2. Avoid chemical products and hair dyes. They can damage your roots in a way you can not even imagine. Go for natural, sulfate-free, and paraben-free hair products. 

3. Avoid excessive styling and heating products. If you still use them, don’t forget to add a hair protectant before heating. 

4. Brush your hair gently. If you comb your hair too hard, there are chances you may pull out excess hair. 

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