Dealing with itchy, dry scalp

Lately a lot of people suffer from itchy, dry scalp which culminates in dandruff and hair loss. The reason, most of the time is quite simple and rudimentary, the scalp is not hydrated enough. Harsh chemicals in shampoos (parabens, sulfate and alcohol), dry out the scalp and rob it of the much needed moisture which it needs to keep the scalp healthy. If you take a hot shower in winters, your skin tends to dry up and you will see flakes if you scratch your skin, the same applies for the scalp too. Taking hot showers, harmful chemicals and not hydrating the skin leads to itchy and dry scalp. As always, the best way to solve this problem is to prevent it. Now that you know the cause of the issue, take precautions. 1. Do not bathe with hot water, if you do then rinse with cold water. 2. Do not use shampoos with harmful chemicals in them 3. Do not blow dry too often, this not only removes the moisture on the hair but also the “flash heat” vaporises the moisture within the hair itself which leads to the cuticles being damaged from the inside. 4. At the best least, us a good hair oil (’s-what-they-can-do-for-your-hair) and pamper your scalp once a week, make sure to wash off the extra oil. If you are suffering from this issues, do the above and try this additionally. Mix a few drops of Tea Tree oil with a extra virgin Coconut oil or Jojoba oil and massage it on your scalp a couple times a week, do this for 2–3 weeks and see the result. Here is a video on some of the benefits of Tea Tree Essential Oil (Melaleuca) which you will find useful.